If you are planning on building any sort of information products or simply outlining your business, one of the must have tools is Mind Meister. It’s a mind mapping tool of which there are many. I have tried several others and they just weren’t as clean in how Mind Meister worked. I also happen to have a couple specific needs that Mind Meister works especially well with. The fact that is a hosted app gives you extra flexibility in sharing and access. I started using the free version about a year and a half ago and I had been putting off upgrading even though I maxed out the number of maps I could have. It’s only about $5/month but I’ve been trying to clean up some of the many things on my plate. Don’t want to end up with “Bright Shiny Object Syndrome”.
App Sumo
I actually ended up getting a year subscription the other day through a surprising source. There is a new site called App Sumo which is offering bundles of productively software. The combined bundle of 6 packages was actually less than Mind Meister itself so I couldn’t resist. Much to my surprise the app that I am using religiously out of the bundle is “Remember the Milk” This todo list software does everything but hunt you down and stuff your todo list in your face. It emails me reminders, it syncs between my computer and my Iphone. As someone who is used to a myriad of paper scraps all over my desk, this is a much better approach. I don’t know that I need all the apps in the bundle, but that’s sort of the purpose. Find the ones that work for you, and hopefully you will renew at the end of the trial period.
If I do nothing else than use the two apps I like I’ve gotten my money’s worth. Take a look at the bundle and see if these will help your business. I’m pretty sure I get credit towards something (not sure what) if you click the following link (in case you were curious and to make the FTC happy). If you have thought of buying any of these applications, I think you will see that this bundle is a good deal. Check it out – http://appsumo.com/?r=830