In May of 2007 Amy Bass was a young mother of 2 toddlers and a first grader with baby # 4 on the way. She and her husband, Jaron, were $72,900 in debt.

Like many young married couples they didn’t think much about their future financial needs.  Living in the moment and spending more than what they earned through credit card purchases was the norm.  Going to the local Wal-Mart was their local entertainment.

Unfortunately Jaron was soon to be discharged from the Armed Forces for medical reasons, leaving them with no regular source of income.  The future looked bleak.  After the initial shock of wrestling with how they were going survive, Amy took matters into her own hands.

She set a goal that most of her friends and family thought was crazy… she created a blog and announced to the world that she was going to pay off all her debt in 2 years solely by making money online.  Crazy? Perhaps, but with 3 kids and limited employment opportunities in their small town in Utah, it may have been her only choice.  Either that or declare bankruptcy.

Jumping In

Since she had never run her own business, or attempted anything like this before, the going was tough in the beginning.  Several times during those first few months she thought her goal was beyond her grasp, but she kept on going.

After some trial and error with “get paid to” programs she discovered niche blogging and never looked back.  She built up her online blog portfolio and her income started to escalate.

In just 18 months, 6 months short of her Debt Free Goal deadline, Amy paid off her last debt. She was finally worry free, hassle free and debt free!

During this time, many family members and friends started coming to her asking if she would teach them the steps she took to get herself out of debt. They wanted to achieve the same online success she was now experiencing.

Instead of trying to teach one on one, she set out to create a tutorial that would guide them through the entire process of setting up and making an income from niche blogs.

Members loved the course and word quickly spread… The Niche Blogger now has over 700 members.

Amy now has five children at home. All debts have been paid and she and Jaron are looking forward to a bright and prosperous future.