Embrace every opportunity with curiosity, resilience, and an unwavering belief in the power of continuous growth and learning.

Darshani Persadh chose self-care when she completely broke free from the typical 9-to-5 grind and ventured into the world of entrepreneurship. It was a turning point in her life that completely transformed her perspective and brought her to where she is today. Until 2018,Darshani played it safe, following the traditional path, and working in a comfortable job. But everything changed during the Christmas week of that year while on holiday she had a life changing experience and doctors delivered some unexpected news: “I could have lost my right eye. That was a wake-up call that shook me to my core.”


As she went through the recovery process, Darshani had a lot of time to reflect and gain a deeper understanding of what truly matters. In 2019, she saw her life in a whole new light. It was a moment of clarity where she realized that she needed to start making decisions that would genuinely make her happy. Darshani didn’t want to live with any regrets. That’s when the spark of entrepreneurship ignited within her. “I co-founded my startup May 2019, driven by the passion to create something meaningful and make a real impact. Initially, I tried to balance my job during the day while working on my startup at night. But it soon became apparent that this approach wasn’t sustainable. I knew I had to take a risk if I wanted to pursue my entrepreneurial dreams wholeheartedly.”

November 2019, Darshani made the bold and somewhat reckless decision to leave her job. It was a leap of faith, but deep down, she knew it was the right time. “I asked myself that pivotal question that many find themselves asking at some point in their lives: “If not now, then when?” I knew that if I didn’t seize this opportunity to pursue my dreams, I might never have another chance.
Leaving the security and comfort of that world was both exhilarating and terrifying. I had no guarantees of success, and the road ahead was filled with uncertainties. But I was driven by the desire to create something meaningful, to inspire and empower
others through my startup.”

And that’s how DARJYO came to be. It’s a women-led startup that aims to inspire and empower individuals to accelerate innovation, scale effortlessly, and create new possibilities for tomorrow. It’s a mission that resonates deeply with Darshani and fuels her determination every single day. It hasn’t been an easy journey, yet, it’s been a fulfilling journey with a sense of purpose that continues to unfold.

Taking Risks

Darshani learned that sometimes taking risks and stepping outside of our comfort zones can lead to the most incredible opportunities and personal growth. “It’s about trusting in myself, following my instincts, and having courage as I strive to make a positive impact through DARJYO. Some choices can make or break you– especially during a pandemic. When I gave in my resignation letter, the world going on a lockdown had not been a part of my entrepreneurial roadmap.”

Covid-19 had a significant impact on business, just like it did for countless other startups and businesses worldwide. The pandemic brought unforeseen challenges and forced Darshani and her team to adapt and pivot their strategies to navigate the rapidly changing landscape. One of the most immediate effects was the disruption to their operations. With lockdowns and restrictions in place, they had to quickly transition to remote work and find ways to ensure the continuity of our projects. It wasn’t an easy adjustment, but her team came together and embraced the new remote work environment, leveraging technology to stay connected and collaborate effectively. On the business side, they experienced delays and setbacks. The pandemic created uncertainty in the market, and many organizations became cautious with their investments and budgets. This meant that some of their potential clients put their projects on hold or scaled back their plans. It was a challenging time as we had to navigate through a decrease in demand and reassess our priorities.

New Opportunities

Despite the difficulties, the pandemic also presented new opportunities for DARJYO. As the world grappled with the challenges posed by Covid-19, there was an increased recognition of the importance of digital innovation and technology. Businesses were compelled to accelerate their digital transformation efforts to adapt to the changing landscape. This shift created a demand for the very areas in which their startup specializes, such as Cloud, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Cybersecurity. They were able to leverage this shift in demand to their advantage. They adapted their offerings to align with the emerging needs of organizations. For example, they focused on providing solutions that supported remote work, enhanced cybersecurity measures, and utilized data science for insights and decision-making. By pivoting their strategies and staying agile, we were able to identify new avenues for growth and establish partnerships that were instrumental in sustaining our business during this challenging period.

Covid-19 presented both obstacles and opportunities for her startup. “While we faced disruptions and delays, we also witnessed a heightened demand for our expertise in digital innovation. By adapting our strategies, embracing remote work, and fostering
collaborations, we were able to navigate the challenges and emerge stronger. The pandemic reinforced the importance of resilience, agility, and community support in driving our mission forward.”

Staying Motivated

Like most entrepreneurs, Darshani’s path was often strewn with obstacles. It’s a path that requires not just technical know-how but also a mindset open to constant learning and exploration. “Along my own journey, I’ve come across some incredible resources that have shaped my perspective and provided invaluable guidance.”

Books have been a wellspring of inspiration and knowledge for Darshani. Apart from “The Clayton M. Christensen Reader” by HBR, there are a few others that have truly made an impact. “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries is a fantastic read that delves into the process of building and growing a startup.

Another book that has left a lasting impression on her entrepreneurial thinking is “Zero to One” by Peter Thiel. Thiel, a successful entrepreneur and venture capitalist, challenges conventional wisdom and urges entrepreneurs to seek out unique opportunities and create businesses that dominate their markets. It’s a thought-provoking read that highlights the significance of innovation and building something truly groundbreaking.

Knowledge and Connections

Aside from books, online platforms and websites have played a crucial role in expanding Darshani’s knowledge and connecting with like-minded individuals. “TechCrunch, in particular, has been an invaluable resource for me. I find it indispensable for staying
up-to-date with the ever-evolving tech ecosystem, exploring emerging technologies, and understanding investment trends.”

Attending startup events, conferences, and meetups has been instrumental in expanding Darshani’s network and learning from experienced individuals.

Lastly, podcasts have become her go-to resource for absorbing knowledge on the go. Shows like “How I Built This” by Guy Raz feature interviews with successful entrepreneurs who share their stories, challenges, and insights into building world-
class companies. “These podcasts offer valuable lessons and inspiration, and I highly recommend giving them a listen.
While these resources have been immensely valuable to me, every entrepreneurial journey is unique. It’s important to find the resources that resonate with your specific goals and challenges. I no longer hesitate to try out different sources, attend
workshops or webinars, and seek mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs. It’s through a combination of exploration, learning, and connecting with the entrepreneurial community that I have able to equip myself with the knowledge and inspiration needed to thrive in this new world.”

Enjoying Freedom

Entrepreneurship has given Darshani the ability to chart her own course and pursue her passions on her own terms. Breaking free from the traditional 9-to-5 has allowed her to take control and build something meaningful. “I no longer feel confined by the limitations of an unstructured environment that played under the guise of protocol, and instead, I have the freedom to explore innovative ideas, take risks, and push boundaries, enabling me to make decisions based on my own vision and values. I can align my work with my personal beliefs and have a direct impact on the direction and success of my startup. It allows me to work on projects that truly resonate with me and address challenges that I am passionate about solving. Moreover, a flexible lifestyle that suits my needs. While building a startup requires dedication and hard work, I structure my schedule in a way that works best for me. This flexibility enables me to find a healthy work-life balance, pursue personal interests outside of work, and spend quality time with loved ones. I can adapt and adjust my work hours as needed, which brings a sense of control and harmony to my life.”

Another aspect of freedom that Darshani greatly values is the opportunity for personal and professional growth. She is constantly learning and challenging herself to acquire new skills and knowledge. “I have the freedom to invest time and resources in my own development, whether it’s attending relevant conferences, participating in events, or seeking mentorship from industry experts. This continuous learning not only enhances my abilities as a startup founder but also fuels my personal growth and cultivates a
sense of fulfillment.”

The Hard Lessons

Darshani has tried to prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance. The demands of entrepreneurship can often lead to long hours and sleep deprivation, which Escaping the 9 to 5 can take a toll on your well-being. “Success is a marathon, not a sprint. Taking breaks, getting sufficient rest, and engaging in activities that rejuvenate you are essential for sustaining your motivation and mental health. Setbacks and difficult days are inevitable in any pursuit, but they do not define your journey. Your dedication, resilience, and ability to rise above adversity will ultimately determine your success. Stay focused on your goals, believe in your capabilities, and leverage the strength of your network to navigate the challenges posed by toxic individuals.
Surround yourself with positive influences, whether it’s through books, podcasts, or supportive communities. Seek out mentors or join groups that champion diversity and inclusivity, where you can find solace, advice, and inspiration from individuals who have
overcome similar obstacles.”

Her entrepreneurial journey with DARJYO hasn’t been without its fair share of mistakes and challenges. One of the mistakes Darshani made early on was thinking that she could hide away in the office, solely focused on technical development and business operations. Her business partner handled all the sales and marketing efforts. She believed that this division of labor would suffice. But it quickly became apparent that she was stretching herself too thin and facing burnout. “It dawned on me that being a strong team required both of us to actively engage in networking and building connections together. I realized the importance of getting out there, attending events, and engaging with potential clients and partners as a united front. It wasn’t enough for my business partner to handle sales and marketing alone; our presence as a team was crucial to establish a strong rapport with stakeholders and showcase the collective expertise and vision behind our startup.”

Making a Shift

Understanding this, they shifted their approach and began attending industry events and conferences as a team. By both of them being present, they were able to leverage their complementary skills and knowledge to make a stronger impact. While her business
partner excelled in building relationships and conveying their value proposition, Darshani could provide technical insights and answer technical questions on the spot. This collaborative approach not only enhanced their networking efforts but also allowed them to effectively communicate their startup’s unique value proposition and build trust with potential clients and partners.
Moreover, being present together at networking events helped them to form a cohesive and unified brand image. It conveyed that they were both invested in their startup’s success and that they were committed to being actively involved in every aspect of their
business. It also demonstrated to others that they were a team that was dedicated to delivering on their promises and providing exceptional value.

By stepping out of the office and networking together, they were able to build a stronger network of contacts, form strategic partnerships, and generate leads more effectively. They learned that it takes a collective effort and collaboration to succeed in the startup world. Through this experience, they developed a deeper appreciation for each other’s roles and the power of a unified approach to networking and business development.

Moving Forward

The next big thing for Darshani and DARJYO is to continue pushing the boundaries of digital innovation. They are constantly seeking out new frontiers and exploring emerging fields that have the potential to reshape industries and society as a whole. Whether it’s enhancing business processes, optimizing resource allocation, or improving decision-making they believe AI can revolutionize how we approach challenges and open up new opportunities. By leveraging data science to extract meaningful patterns and trends, they can empower businesses and organizations to make informed choices and drive innovation they are developing innovative IoT solutions that optimize processes, improve efficiency, and enhance the overall user experience. By utilizing blockchain, they aim to revolutionize traditional processes, streamline operations, and create a more secure and efficient environment for businesses and individuals, particularly in areas such as supply chain management, finance, and healthcare.

A new era of connectivity, enabling faster speeds, lower latency, and greater capacity. 5G advancement has the potential to transform industries like augmented reality, autonomous vehicles, and smart cities. Darshani is eager to leverage the power of 5G to drive innovation and create transformative experiences. Lastly, Quantum Computing is an area that fascinates Darshani the most. Quantum computers have the potential to solve complex problems exponentially faster than classical computers. “We’re closely following the developments in this field and exploring ways to leverage quantum computing for practical applications. By staying at the forefront of emerging technologies, we aim to create solutions that have a profound and positive impact on businesses, communities, and individuals.”

The Road Ahead

As a women-led startup, DARJYO is committed to promoting gender diversity and inclusivity in the tech industry. However, the tech industry still faces gender disparities. Securing funding and investment is yet another significant challenge. “While we have a
compelling vision and a strong value proposition, the competitive landscape is fierce, and investors have high expectations.
In addition to these external challenges, there are internal challenges as well. As a startup, we must maintain a nimble and agile mindset, adapt quickly to market changes, and pivot when necessary. It requires a constant evaluation of our strategies, learning from failures, and iterating our approach. Managing these internal dynamics and fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and resilience is an ongoing challenge. As we navigate these challenges, I find solace in the passion and determination that drives my team. We believe in the transformative power of technology and the positive impact it can have on individuals and communities. Our shared commitment to our goals keeps us motivated, focused, and determined to overcome any obstacles that come our way.”

Primary URL: https://www.darjyo.com