I’m sure there is a recipe for the perfect career. In a perfect world this career pays well, makes your happy, and helps you lose weight. Steve Silberberg seems to have found this Holy Grail in his current vocation. Steve used to be a high powered consultant with an investment firm. There were a lot of great things about the company and the people, but the nature of some of the work, some of the people, and some of the pressure made him want to stick an ice pick in his head on a daily basis.
“My passion is backpacking and whenever I’d leave work to go hiking for a week I’d notice that I’d return thinner, happier, stress-free, and my clothes fit better. So I figured other people might benefit from this as well.”
That’s when he started Fitpacking (http://www.fitpacking.com). They take moderately overweight people on backpacking adventure vacations to get in shape and lose weight. Steve still misses the money of corporate America, but not the stress. It’s all about quality of life now.
There were some challenges along the way. “You always think you have saved enough money to make the jump from the corporate world”, but it helps to up your estimate. You never know when the stock market is going to crash.
Steve recommends getting advice before you make the jump, but go with your gut. “Advice usually steers you towards the tried and true. That’s fine, but the niche that differentiates you is what your gut tells you.”
One of the books that Steve found useful in his escape was “The Joy of Not Working”. I’m sure he would love to share ideas if you want to try one of Steve’s trips. He has 1 and 2 week hikes at various locations around the United States from March through October.