there are more than a few challenges in getting from where you are to where you want to be.   If you are already busy with a 40+ hour work week one of the first challenges is making room for what you want to do next.  This can apply to clutter in your house, a  messy desk, social activities, etc.  You can just as easily get overwhelmed by information.  It’s probably time for an information diet.

Traditional media such as news, TV especially, can be a huge time suck.  If you step back from the TV, paper, etc. do you really need the information that it is giving you?  The answer is probably no.  This is one of the easiest places to reclaim a half hour, an hour or maybe even more per day.

Email is also a huge source of information overload.  People assume that email is an immediate need unlike regular mail which clearly has a wait time associated with it.  People jump on it first thing in the morning, and often feel inclined to read everything.  It’s better to do something else important first thing instead of email.  Also, we tend to find ourselves on lots of email list.  If you don’t read things regularly, why not unsubscribe?

Making the Switch

If print media has got you down, why not switch some of it to audio. offers a great selection of audio books.  Itunes collection of podcasts is also another great source of audio information.  What’s more is that you can speed it up without sounding like chipmunks.

Lastly is a change in mindset.  You can either be a consumer or a producer.  If you are like most of us, you spend a lot of time consuming information trying to become an expert.  Chances are you are already there but you don’t realize it.  It’s time to start becoming a producer.